Wednesday, December 16, 2009

When will the US Congress lift its Oil Embargo on domestic oil in the United States?

Odd, that we can drill the Strategic Oil Reserve, which was set up for national defense; but not our own huge resources. Do these people have large holdings in off-shore oil? Who's side are they on? Do they think we'll keep them in office with such economically dangerous pandering?When will the US Congress lift its Oil Embargo on domestic oil in the United States?
Here's the deal- the oil companies have controlled the supply and therefore the price of oil since the contrived oil shortage of the 70's. They wanted to get to the massive supply of Alaskan oil and wanted to build a pipeline from Alaska to the U.S. That was the reason for the so called shortage. ( I had family that worked at the Baton Rouge oil refineries, and told me that the refineries were so full of oil, they kept the tanker ships in international waters out in the gulf of Mexico ,because there was no room at the refinery for the oil) The oil companies told congress that if they could drill for the Alaskan oil, and had a pipeline to Washington State, the U.S. would never again be dependent on foreign oil, and there was a 600 year supply of oil there to be tapped into. Congress fell for it and had the taxpayers pay for the pipeline for the oil companies. The sad part of this is that to this very day, not a drop of that oil goes to the states, but is exported by the oil companies. When questioned about this, the oil company ceo said there is more profit to export the oil then to refine it and distribute it to the states.

The oil teminal that was built wasn't built with a land terminal to load up tanker trucks, but just an off shore terminal to load up oil liner ships- They never intended to use the oil in the U.S. To any one that doesn't believe this- get on the net and check it out- also check out the 5th largest exporter of oil in the world- it is the United StatesWhen will the US Congress lift its Oil Embargo on domestic oil in the United States?
DumDum ain't no dummy. that boy has done his home work!!! Boomer, I worked in Alaska for five %26amp; a half years, I observed %26amp; learned a lot. The Conoco Phillips bldg, BP bldg, 76 bldg the list goes on %26amp; on in downtown Anchorage. I keep telling folks, the enviroticians %26amp; petroleum extracting companies are in cahootz with one another but most folks are too brain washed to believe it. There was an article in the Anchorage daily(2002???) about a 1,000.00$ a plate dinner in downtown Anchorage for oil execs %26amp; big shot enviroticians. Every time the oil companies say, more refineries or more off shore drilling the enviroticians PUMP up the GG(gully gullible) rank %26amp; file enviro pipsqueeks to protest for them to keep the price of petroleum products HIGH. OUR, meaning the American citizens natural resources which are NOT the federal governments natural resources are just that, OURS, like yours %26amp; mine Boomer. Those crude extraction companies should be BIDDING(international unions are in with them) for crude extraction %26amp; refinement of crude %26amp; we the AMERICAN PEOPLES need to take the LOWEST bid for OUR QUALITY of life. Write your federal representatives about this %26amp; spread the word. Mean while, the international crude extracting companies are selling OUR natural resources for big profit at OUR EXPENSE!!! America, WAKE UP!
For EVER Alaska was considered a national park.

George said it was OK to drill in Alaska.

The Alaska pipeline???

He's making money hand over foot.

He won't mind paying so much per gallon once he actually has to take it out of his own pocket which won't be for almost a year.

George and all of his friends are rich rich rich.

can I repeat it? rich rich rich

His friends own the military companies that he utilized in his ';he tried to kill my daddy war';.

If he had gotten Osamah, maybe I wouldn't be so bitter.

But he went to the WRONG place - He did get the guy who threatened his father tho.
I guess they think that after letting them invade a country,kill thousands of kids(yours and the other side) without lifting a finger to educate yourself ...oil prices should be just fine......
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