Friday, December 18, 2009

Why is Obama so against the United States drilling for our own oil?

Is this going to be the biggest losing issue for the Democrats and Obama?Why is Obama so against the United States drilling for our own oil?
He's not.

But the bigger question is this: Why don't the oil companies drill on the 68 million acres of land that they already have?

If you think we're paying high gas prices now, just give the oil companies more acres.

They'll have a monopoly then and gas prices will go through the roof.Why is Obama so against the United States drilling for our own oil?
He is against harming our environment when it isn't really necessary. There is a reason for the ban on Off-shore drilling. McCain was always against it until he started running for president. He admits it won't help much and said it will have a psychological effect on the American people. McCain not only voted against Off-Shore drilling but voted against a Bill that would ensure that if the Ban was lifted, the oil would stay in America.
Because drilling for oil does not solve our energy problem. It would just dig ourselves deeper into a hole by procrastinating. Why not use our innovation to develop clean, alternative energy sources? Not to mention the fact that we don't have enough oil to make a serious impact on the price of gas. And even if we did, the affects wouldn't be felt until about ten years from now. As if that's not bleak enough, there would only be enough oil to last for a fraction of a year. Plus the question of environmentalism has to be taken into account. It could harm the environment when it is drilled. Burning more oil would also contribute to more greenhouse gas emissions and worsen climate change.

I acknowledge that the majority of Americans support drilling in/around the U.S., but I don't think this one issue is going to be the biggest drawback associated with Obama. I think that if more people knew the reality surrounding the facts of drilling, they would not support it. We should realize that drilling for oil isn't the ';magic wand'; that it is made out to be by some.
obama wants to drill for our own oil, but not in places where the wildlife will be permantly damaged.

studies show that we do drills in alaska, yes, we will find oil, but just enough that will last us for ONE year. that's permanent damage for temporary supply and it's a terrible way to approach the problem.

our oil locations now still have oil, but we aren't developing the right technology to get to it. let's improve our education status, get some smarter people, and find ways to take advantage of the safe places we have to dig for oil. that's the way to go
When it comes to oil drilling Obama is an idiot as are many of those that have responded here, showing they know nothing about how oil is handled here in the US.

First and foremost, over 93% of the current, untapped, oil leases in the US are being blocked by over 800 lawsuits from environmental groups,

Obama looking to keep the favor of these groups opposes oil drilling on the OCS or ANWR, etc. Of course it's OK that Mexico, Canada, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and Guyana have oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico sucking oil out from underneath Florida.

Obama is willing to sell us all out for his own persional gain. He will win the honor of being Jimmy Carter II.
We do drill for our own oil. 15% of US waters are available for drilling. The oil companies simply aren't using it.

There is no ban on drilling, simply a moratorium on new leases. This moratorium was introduced in 1982 and confirmed every year since by congress (including the 12 years congress was controlled by Republicans). It was also the purpose of a presidential order issued by George HW Bush (hardly an anti-oil man now is he) in 1990.

So Obama's support for the moratorium is hardly just his, or even just the Dems. And it will not be a losing issue - rather the continued misrepresentation of it by the Republicans will come back to haunt them.
I won't answer this for Obama, but I can tell you that we have enough oil that is on privately owned land to supply all of America, however, the oil companies have to pay a lot of money to drill that oil. Oil that is drilled off shore can cause an abundant amount of damage to our (that includes YOU and your health) and to the animals who have no voice in the matter. And, it doesn't cost the oil companies as much money to drill. Look up the health consequences from the chemicals used to get the oil out, both for humans and for animals. We have enough oil already available to drill without going off shore, or on protected land. Our military's number one goal is to get as much oil as we can. It's called ';point of balance.'; The high prices we are paying is just to get people mad enough to want to drill on protected land and sea. It's all about BIG profits. The oil company's made 38 BILLION dollars profit last year. You are being fooled by some very top notch people who work for the oil companies.
We can drill the 68 million acres that nobody can find except a few democrats and they are not telling where it is. They also seem to know how much oil is down there without doing any exploratory drilling.

Gosh they are smart - they should have gone into the oil business.

On 30 Sept the congress will have to allow drilling or pass another ban. Guess that is when I will know how I am going to vote.

Right or wrong if they cannot follow the will of the people, they need to be out. That's what they get paid for.
It's much easier to control the masses - when you control their very livlihood; and besides - we don't know what kind of deals might be in the works with his middle-eastern friends.

The more we rely on them - the less we rely on ourselves. It is clear Obama does not understand how our dependence on oil leaves us at the beck and call of the middle-east Oil Kings, and they will continue to hold us hostage with oil until we break the endless cycle.

Obama is a loser.
In response to those questioning drilling on those Acres.

Is off shore drilling is a lot more cleaner, safer, and economically better. DO you want to pay at the pump for all the drilling that will lead no where? Or explore the coast, that Cuba, and China are also researching. Technology makes off shore drilling more practical..
Its a populous scheme to get the average moron to join him against the evil gas guy who screws you at every turn.

They keep saying there is several million acres the gas man can drilll for oil. They want the oil co. to dril on dry fields for a while so they wont have to answer to the environmental lobby.
Its the height of hypocrisy....Where do these latte liberals get off making other countries DRILL on their own lands and off shores and say no to our own drilling? Is their lands less valuable?

Its ok if we drill and take their resources, but not ours? These people's logic is baffling.
Drilling for more oil is not the answer -building refineries and using Green power - solar and wind is the answer. Electric cars will be the first new green powered car -who knows what great innovative idea will be next -perhaps Hydrogen.

Go Obama
Because it wont solve anything. Gas prices will still be high as hell and people will just keep using it up.

A better alternative is to find other ways to fuel your car.

More options/competition make prices go down.
Maybe for the same reason the oil company execs. are against it.
don't vote for him he's doing that because he's a stupid environmentalist

vote libertarian
B/c it would take 7 years to have it in our gas stations.

As if 7 years was that bad when compared to never...that idiot.
He wants gas to go up if we drilled here the price would down
He doesn't want his Islamic buddies in the Middle East to lose business.
He wants his buddy's in the middle east to get all the profits.
We do drill for our own oil.
I dont know why ANYONE is so against drilling for our own oil to be honest...
He's not. The oil companies have tens of thousands of unexplored leased acres to drill on. Funny they don't seem to be anxious to set up new drilling operations OR the new refineries we would need.

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